WEO and JGES seal agreement in historic ceremony

It’s official!
In a momentous virtual ceremony, WEO and the Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society (JGES) sealed an historic collaboration to host ENDO 2022.
Despite the current pandemic and travel restrictions, WEO President Fabian Emura and JGES President Haruhiro Inoue met online on March 18, 2021 to co-sign the partnership agreement to host the 3rd World Congress of GI Endoscopy, ENDO 2022.
The online ceremony was an opportunity to celebrate WEO and JGES joining forces in a unique collaboration, about which everyone is excited and with all looking forward to an excellent double meeting in Kyoto next year.
WEO President Fabian Emura, opened the solemn moment saying: “Today we celebrate the effort of two remarkable institutions, WEO and JGES. The idea to conduct a joint session of the JGES and WEO was conceived three years ago and with this official ceremony ENDO 2022 is becoming a reality. Thanks to all my colleagues in the WEO Executive who have worked with JGES in creating the framework. I would like to express my gratitude to the strong support from the JGES under the leadership of Professor Hisao Tajiri, who will serve as the Co-President of ENDO 2022.
There is still a lot of work ahead of us to make ENDO 2022 a successful congress. The current pandemic has posed additional challenges. I am certain that with the support of all the partnering societies, members and the industry, ENDO 2022 will be setting a new milestone as the most desired global meeting for the world of endoscopy. I am looking forward to seeing everyone in person at Kyoto for the Congress.”
Haruhiro Inoue, JGES President, said: “It is a great honor to be collaborating with WEO. The close cooperation between Fabian Emura, ENDO 2022 President and Haruhiko Ogata, 103 JGES President has already led to many exciting initiatives and I have no doubt we will have a successful joint meeting.”Picture 1. JGES and WEO Presidents, Haruhiro Inoue (top right) and Fabian Emura (top left) moments after online signing of the ENDO 2022 agreement. “This historic moment is only possible thanks to the trust and close partnership between the leadership of the two societies” said WEO President Fabian Emura. He used the opportunity to highlight the strong leadership of JGES Past President and WEO President-Elect Hisao Tajiri (lower panel), who played a key role in the consolidation of this joint project.
Nageshwar Reddy, ENDO 2022 Steering Committee Chair, added: “WEO has hosted two successful world congresses in the past, first in 2017 and then in 2020 and I am certain that we will offer an even more successful congress in 2022.” Summarizing key aspects of this unique event, Dr. Reddy noted that a particular highlight of attendance at the meeting was the single registration fee of JPY 15 000 (approximately USD 150) that will allow participants to attend all academic program sessions offered by both ENDO 2022 and 103 JGES. He also noted that the Organizing Committees of the two congresses are working closely on a single industry exhibition as well as on joint social events. Jean-Francois Rey, WEO’s Past President, stated: “The joint English-speaking sessions, part of the 103 JGES international program are indeed a special opportunity for our colleagues from overseas to attend, and, after a long pandemic, I very much look forward to seeing everyone in Kyoto.”
The ENDO 2022 Scientific Committee led by Sharma Prateek and Yutaka Saito is hard at work finalizing the program. It will include all the components required for an excellent meeting: state-of-the-art scientific symposia, keynote speaker lectures, live demonstrations, hands-on training, a learning center, and much more.
ENDO 2022 will be held concurrently with the 103rd Congress of the Japanese Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Society (103 JGES) on May 13–15, 2022 at the Kyoto International Conference Center and the Prince Hotel Kyoto Takaragaike.
Save the date. For more information stay tuned via the WEO website and the e-newsletter!Picture 2. The online ceremony was hosted by Douglas Faigel, the Secretary-General (top right), and attended by (from left to right): top row, Haruhiro Inoue (JGES President), Fabian Emura (WEO and ENDO 2022 President); middle row, Jean-Francois Rey (WEO Past President), Nageshwar Reddy (ENDO 2022 Steering Committee Chair), Yutaka Saito (ENDO 2022 Scientific Committee Co-Chair); bottom row, Takahisa Matsuda (ENDO 2022 Co-Treasurer), Haruhiko Ogata (103 JGES President), and Hisao Tajiri (ENDO 2022 Co-President).