A glimpse of the ENDO 2022 Scientific Program

ENDO 2022 is very proud to be supported by the following international scientific partners, who are joining forces with WEO and the Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society (JGES) for this outstanding event:
- A-PSDE- The Asian Pacific Society for Digestive Endoscopy
- ASGE – American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
- ESGE – European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
- CSDE – Chinese Society of Digestive Endoscopy
- KSGE – Korean Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
- SIED – Inter-American Society of Digestive Endoscopy
- SOBED – Brazilian Society of Digestive Endoscopy
The joint symposia developed with these Societies, will ensure a truly global scientific content at ENDO 2022. Focusing on regional challenges, the joint symposia will cover, among other topics, hemostasis, the development of submucosal endoscopy, endoscopic biliary stenting, and minimally invasive endoscopic therapy in Asia.
ENDO 2022 attendees can expect some stimulating session formats, including:
- Honorary lectures – featuring renowned experts from across the globe
- Live demonstrations – showcasing upper GI and biliary procedures at centers in India (AIG Hospitals, Hyderabad), South Korea (Asan Medical Center, Seoul), China (The PLA General Hospital, Beijing), and Japan (Japanese Red Cross Kyoto Daini Hospital, Kyoto; Kobe University Hospital, Kobe)
- Hands-on training – presenting the opportunity for first-hand experience alongside international specialists
- Breakfast with Experts – in an interactive setting allowing for open discussion with fellow participants
… and much, much more …
The scientific symposia will be aimed at the needs of both basic and advanced endoscopists will encompass both “How I do it” sessions and technology-driven topics such as artificial intelligence and robotics. Additional topics that are being considered for the ENDO 2022 Scientific Program include bariatric endoscopy, gastrointestinal bleeding, gastric cancer, Barrett’s esophagus, and EMR/ESD procedures.
ENDO 2022, the 3rd World Congress of GI Endoscopy, will take place May 13–15, 2022 in Kyoto, Japan. Save the date and for more ENDO 2022 updates subscribe to the WEO Newsletter: